Additive manufacturing technology is on trend for the growing industries.Subtractive manufacturing is having some troubleshoot problems because of different machining operation, multiple tooling, departmental production and continues work and monitoring of end-to-end operation.This limitations can be satisfied by introducing additive manufacturing technology is minimize as possible.Because is has many features like limitless design making, single tool per machine, variety of materials, single production unit, compact size and reduced cost.This all are key features of additive manufacturing.
Some disadvantages and weak point of an additive manufacturing.Most important point is time, because the process is carried layer by layer deposition of material.Second point is mass production possible but the cost of product is more than traditional manufacturing process.
Some disadvantages and weak point of an additive manufacturing.Most important point is time, because the process is carried layer by layer deposition of material.Second point is mass production possible but the cost of product is more than traditional manufacturing process.
In below image difference is shown between subtractive and additive manufacturing process.In subtractive manufacturing there is more than 100 different tools are used for the different operation.In additive manufacturing there is no need of any tool, it handled with single head which add the material continuously in layers.Which eliminates tool costing, changing time, geometry arrangement and transfer of work piece.Biggest cost reduction element is manufacturing waste which is lowest in additive manufacturing process due to the required amount is only used during production process.It follows minimal surface finishing operation after part produced.It reduces raw material storage and waste disposal handling and management.
- This time can be adjusted for additive process and so that it is quick.prototype making is faster due to singe production unit and also it is price reducing element for the final product.For the prototype making cost reduction is almost more than five times.
- additive manufacturing can handle all type of material and remaining are on the trial base which will introduced shortly.Fact is that material changing is less effective on machine design side.Amount of material and proportion inside the part also can be vary (Infill %) as per the requirement.Hollow body has higher strength than rigid body when same amount of force applied.
Customization is the biggest benefit of additive manufacturing because there is no boundaries of complexity and designing.Due to that design optimization done with it will help to reduce weight and cost with equal strength of the material.It enables interchangeability of identical parts.Testing and inspection will become more easy and simple.It enhance look of the products which is possible only in additive manufacturing process.Ex. of an aerospace part made from it shown in image.
Additive manufacturing is compatible with Industry 4.0 (Fourth Industrial Revolution).It fulfill the requirement of industrial techniques, quality products, reduced waste etc.It is meet the design standards of verified international units.It can handle number of operation within a single controller.It's benefits is more than the other manufacturing process.It cross the restriction of traditional manufacturing system and break the limits with complex designing.
Additive manufacturing is wide spread over the major field of real life application areas.It is spread over medical, manufacturing, aerospace, robotics, automobiles, jewelry, lifestyle, architecture and modelling.
- Medical : In medical application there is a lot of human body part are manufactured by 3D printing like skin, leg, hand, skull, teeth etc.
- Manufacturing and Automobiles : In manufacturing units for the prototyping and some additional parts are made from additive manufacturing.Automobiles is using gears, engine prototypes, staring wheel, stands and more.
- Aerospace : Aerospace is using additive manufactured parts like Cabin accessories, exhaust fan, engine parts, turbines, duct and bezels.
- Robotics : Robotics is the wide spread application of additive manufacturing where is uses almost part made from it and designed as much optimize.Because of the flexibility and replacement of parts is easy.It helps to reliable and stronger parts compare to others.
- Jewelry : Now a days jewelers are trying to give their best service to prime customers by helping him jewelry prototyping and sample of latest designs.So they can save making cost of jewelry and customization for better idea of presentation.
- Architecture and Modelling : Modelling is a passion of presenting something new to the world and additive manufacturing is faster, easier and comparatively chip.With the help of 3D printing services building, home, office, colony and different infrastructure models can be made.It helps to improve customer experience before the actual construction.
- Lifestyle : It is the foundation of additive manufacturing technology.To achieve customize life products and use it by own style create an origin of additive manufacturing technology and now it will becoming prior of manufacturing services.In usual lifestyle additive manufacturing is used in home decor, hardware utilities, kitchen, show pieces, gifts, saloon, entertainment, vehicle accessories and much more.Because in this quick and advanced customizing tool are available to make it possible.
From above discussion you can understand the ease and simplicity of additive manufacturing technology and application over the almost everywhere.It shows that additive manufacturing has endless application, less cost, complexity and lot's of customization.Which fulfill the all customer need on time and make them happy and satisfy with it.So there is to many possibilities of additive manufacturing technology and it's services.
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