Additive Manufacturing is also known as 3D orienting process. It is also known as Rapid Prototyping. It is totally different manufacturing process than the subtractive manufacturing. Because in subtractive manufacturing process there is a material removal process is used and in the Additive manufacturing layer by layer material adding process is used. Additive Manufacturing, or 3D Printing, is an emerging technology that produces three-dimensional parts by adding material either layer-wise or by deposition along a path. As per the current trends in the market there are too many types of Additive manufacturing processes.
In previous decades there was the process of additive manufacturing process is too hard for the any use. But now a days it is updated for home, office and industrial use. Because of it’s flexibility of use and variety of product availability.
Use of additive manufacturing process is expanded in various fields like Automobiles, Medical, Aerospace, Architecture, Robotics, Tooling, Rapid Prototyping, product Development Custom Decors, Lifestyle and Sports.That all are possible due to the varieties of material is can be used like Thermoplastics (PLA & ABS), Nylon, Wood, Metal (Steel, Titanium, Gold, Silver), and Ceramics. So it's time to replace your conventional manufacturing process.TYPES OF ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES
1 } VAT PHOTOPOLYMERIZATION : A vat of liquid photopolymer resin is cured through selective exposure to light via a laser or projector which then initiates polymerization and converts the exposed areas to a solid part.Material used in vat photopolymerization is UV-Curable Photopolymer Resins.

> SLA - Stereolithography Apparatus.
> DLP - Digital Light Processing.
2 } POWDER BED FUSION : Powdered materials is selectively consolidated by melting it together using a heat source such as a laser or electron beam. The powder surrounding the consolidated part acts as support material for overhanging features.
Powder Bed Fusion is used for higher level of complexity.Powder used in it acts as support material for the hollow and complex objects which have no base material in actual design.It is also available for wide range of materials like Plastic, Metal, Sand and Ceramic Powder
3 } BINDER JETTING : In this process liquid bonding agents are selectively applied onto thin layers of powdered material to build up parts layer by layer. The binders include organic and inorganic materials.Metal or ceramic powdered parts are typically fired in a furnace after they are printed.
It allows full colors printing with high productivity and variety of materials can be used for good production.Materials used in Binder Jetting are Powder Plastic, Metal, Ceramics, Glass and Sands.
4 } MATERIAL JETTING : In material jetting process Droplets of material are deposited layer by layer to make parts. Common varieties include jetting a photcurable resin and curing it with UV light, as well as jetting thermally molten materials that then solidify in ambient temperatures.
However it offers high level of accuracy and full color parts.It is also used for the low density materials like Photopolymers, Polymers and Waxes.It enables multiple materials in a single part.
(a) Polyjet Printing.
(b) SCP - Smooth Curvatures Printing.
(c) MJM - Multi-jet Modeling.
5 } SHEET LAMINATION : In Sheet lamination process sheets of material are stacked and laminated together to form an object. The lamination method can be adhesives or chemical (paper/plastics), ultrasonic welding, or brazing(metals). Unneeded regions are cut out layer by layer and removed after the object is built.
In sheet lamination process big advantage is that it was high volumetric build rates.It is relatively low cost of production for the non-metals materials.It allows for combinations of metal foils including embedding components.Materials used n sheet lamination process are Paper, Plastic Sheets and Metal foils or tapes.
(b) SDL - Selective Deposition Lamination.
(c) UAM - Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing.
6 } MATERIAL EXTRUSION : In Material Extrusion process material is extruded through a nozzle or orifice in tracks or beads, which are then combined into multi-layer models.Common varieties include heated thermoplastic extrusion ( similar to a hot glue gun ).
Material extrusion process is inexpensive and most economical process among all other additive manufacturing processes.It is available with varieties of to many colors and glitters.It also available with variant sizes so that you can use it in office, home, industry any many more.Parts made from material extrusion process have good structural properties.Materials used in it are thermoplastic filaments and pallets, liquids and slurries ( syringe types ).
(a) FDM - Fused Deposition Modeling.
(b) FFF - Fused Filament Fabrication.
7 } DIRECTED ENERGY DEPOSITION : In Directed Energy Deposition powder or wire is fed into a melt pool which has been generated on the surface of the part where it adheres to the underlying part or layers by using an energy source such as a laser or electron beam. This is essentially a form of automated build-up welding.
Biggest benefit of this method is that it is not limited by direction or axis.It is effective process for repairs and adding features.It allows multiple material in single part and highest single-point deposition rates.In directed energy deposition process material used is metal wire and powder which is used with ceramics.
2 } POWDER BED FUSION : Powdered materials is selectively consolidated by melting it together using a heat source such as a laser or electron beam. The powder surrounding the consolidated part acts as support material for overhanging features.

- Alternative names used for Powder bed fusion are given below,
(a) SLS - Selective Laser Sintering.
(b) DMLS - Direct Metal Laser Sintering.
(c) SLM - Selective Laser Melting.
(d) EBM - Electron Beam Melting.
(e) SHS - Selective Heat Sintering.
(f) MJF - Multi-Jet fusion.

It allows full colors printing with high productivity and variety of materials can be used for good production.Materials used in Binder Jetting are Powder Plastic, Metal, Ceramics, Glass and Sands.

However it offers high level of accuracy and full color parts.It is also used for the low density materials like Photopolymers, Polymers and Waxes.It enables multiple materials in a single part.
- Alternative names used for material jetting processes are given below,
(a) Polyjet Printing.
(b) SCP - Smooth Curvatures Printing.
(c) MJM - Multi-jet Modeling.
5 } SHEET LAMINATION : In Sheet lamination process sheets of material are stacked and laminated together to form an object. The lamination method can be adhesives or chemical (paper/plastics), ultrasonic welding, or brazing(metals). Unneeded regions are cut out layer by layer and removed after the object is built.

- Alternative names used for sheet lamination process are given below,
(b) SDL - Selective Deposition Lamination.
(c) UAM - Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing.
6 } MATERIAL EXTRUSION : In Material Extrusion process material is extruded through a nozzle or orifice in tracks or beads, which are then combined into multi-layer models.Common varieties include heated thermoplastic extrusion ( similar to a hot glue gun ).

- Alternative names used for Material Extrusion are given below,
(a) FDM - Fused Deposition Modeling.
(b) FFF - Fused Filament Fabrication.

Biggest benefit of this method is that it is not limited by direction or axis.It is effective process for repairs and adding features.It allows multiple material in single part and highest single-point deposition rates.In directed energy deposition process material used is metal wire and powder which is used with ceramics.
- Alternative names for directed energy deposition are,
(a) LMD - Laser Metal Deposition.
(b) LENS - Laser Engineered Net Shaping.
(c) DMD - Direct Metal Deposition (DM3D).
8 } HYBRID MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES : In Hybrid additive manufacturing technology there is laser metal deposition with the form of DED is combined with CNC machining, which allows additive manufacturing and 'subtractive' machining to be performed in a single machine so that parts can utilize the strengths of both processes.
Hybrid manufacturing technology offers smooth surface finish and high productivity.Geometrical and material freedoms of DED. One another thing is that automated in-process support removal, finishing and inspection.Material used in hybrid manufacturing is as DED like metal powder and wire with ceramics.
Hybrid manufacturing technology offers smooth surface finish and high productivity.Geometrical and material freedoms of DED. One another thing is that automated in-process support removal, finishing and inspection.Material used in hybrid manufacturing is as DED like metal powder and wire with ceramics.
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